November 13, 2022

Publicaciones Pau Amaro Seoane

Para facilitar la evaluación, he separado mis publicaciones en diferentes categorías, ordenadas de forma cronológica. En la lista incluyo información sobre los autores, título del artículo, año, revista y un enlace a la página del artículo en la ADS.

Publicaciones revisadas en revistas de Q1

  1. Vázquez-Aceves, V., Amaro Seoane, P., Kuvatova, D., Makukov, M., Omarov, C., & Yurin, D. 2022, “Intermediate-mass ratio inspirals in merging elliptical galaxies”, arXiv e-prints, arXiv:2211.04547, aceptado para publicación en MNRAS, URL
  2. Amaro-Seoane, P. et al 2022, “Astrophysics with the Laser Interferometer Space Antenna”, aceptado para publicación en Living Reviews of Relativity, arXiv e-prints, arXiv:2203.06016, URL
  3. Tzanavaris, K., & Amaro Seoane, P. 2022, “Curvature conditions for spatial isotropy”, Journal of Geometry and Physics, 178, 104557, URL
  4. von Fellenberg, S. D., Gillessen, S., Stadler, J., Bauböck, M., Genzel, R., de Zeeuw, T., Pfuhl, O., Amaro Seoane, P., Drescher, A., Eisenhauer, F., Habibi, M., Ott, T., Widmann, F., & Young, A. 2022, “The Young Stars in the Galactic Center”, The Astrophysical Journal, 932, L6, URL
  5. Stein, R., Reusch, S., Franckowiak, A., Kowalski, M., Necker, J., Weimann, S., Kasliwal, M. M., Sollerman, J., Ahumada, T., Amaro-Seoane, P. et al 2022, “Neutrino follow-up with the Zwicky Transient Facility: Results from the first 24 campaigns”, arXiv e-prints, arXiv:2203.17135, URL
  6. Vázquez-Aceves, V., Zwick, L., Bortolas, E., Capelo, P. R., Amaro Seoane, P., Mayer, L., & Chen, X. 2022, “Revised event rates for extreme and extremely large mass-ratio inspirals”, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 510, 2379, URL
  7. Rodriguez, C. L., Weatherford, N. C., Coughlin, S. C., Amaro-Seoane, P., Breivik, K., Chatterjee, S., Fragione, G., K\irouglu, F., Kremer, K., Rui, N. Z., Ye, C. S., Zevin, M., & Rasio, F. A. 2022, “Modeling Dense Star Clusters in the Milky Way and beyond with the Cluster Monte Carlo Code”, The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series, 258, 22, URL
  8. Amaro Seoane, P. et al 2022, “The effect of mission duration on LISA science objectives”, General Relativity and Gravitation, 54, 3, URL
  9. Torres-Orjuela, A., Chen, X., & Amaro Seoane, P. 2021, “Excitation of gravitational wave modes by a center-of-mass velocity of the source”, Physical Review D, 104, 123025, URL
  10. Zwick, L., Capelo, P. R., Bortolas, E., Vázquez-Aceves, V., Mayer, L., & Amaro-Seoane, P. 2021, “Improved gravitational radiation time-scales II: Spin-orbit contributions and environmental perturbations”, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 506, 1007, URL
  11. Arca Sedda, M., Amaro Seoane, P., & Chen, X. 2021, “Merging stellar and intermediate-mass black holes in dense clusters: implications for LIGO, LISA, and the next generation of gravitational wave detectors”, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 652, A54, URL
  12. Torres-Orjuela, A., Amaro Seoane, P., Xuan, Z., Chua, A. J. K., Rosell, M. J. B., & Chen, X. 2021, “Exciting Modes due to the Aberration of Gravitational Waves: Measurability for Extreme-Mass-Ratio Inspirals”, Physical Review Letters, 127, 041102, URL
  13. Amaro-Seoane, P., Bischof, L., Carter, J. J., Hartig, M.-S., & Wilken, D. 2021, “LION: laser interferometer on the moon”, Classical and Quantum Gravity, 38, 125008, URL
  14. Canuel, B., Abend, S., Amaro-Seoane, al 2020, “ELGAR – European Laboratory for Gravitation and Atom-interferometric Research”, Classical and Quantum Gravity, 37, 225017, URL
  15. Arca Sedda, M., Berry, C. P. L., Jani, K., Amaro-Seoane, P. et al 2020, “The missing link in gravitational-wave astronomy: discoveries waiting in the decihertz range”, Classical and Quantum Gravity, 37, 215011, URL
  16. Zwick, L., Capelo, P. R., Bortolas, E., Mayer, L., & Amaro-Seoane, P. 2020, “Improved gravitational radiation time-scales: significance for LISA and LIGO-Virgo sources”, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 495, 2321, URL
  17. Torres-Orjuela, A., Chen, X., & Amaro-Seoane, P. 2020, “Phase shift of gravitational waves induced by aberration”, Physical Review D, 101, 083028, URL
  18. Amaro-Seoane, P., Chen, X., Schödel, R., & Casanellas, J. 2020, “Making bright giants invisible at the Galactic Centre”, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 492, 250, URL
  19. Amaro-Seoane, P., & Chen, X. 2019, “Our supermassive black hole rivaled the Sun in the ancient X-ray sky”, Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, 2019, 056, URL
  20. Torres-Orjuela, A., Chen, X., Cao, Z., Amaro-Seoane, P., & Peng, P. 2019, “Detecting the beaming effect of gravitational waves”, Physical Review D, 100, 063012, URL
  21. Rodriguez, C. L., Zevin, M., Amaro-Seoane, P., Chatterjee, S., Kremer, K., Rasio, F. A., & Ye, C. S. 2019, “Black holes: The next generation\textemdashrepeated mergers in dense star clusters and their gravitational-wave properties”, Physical Review D, 100, 043027, URL
  22. Barack, L., Cardoso, V., Nissanke, S., Sotiriou, T. P., Askar, A., Belczynski, C., Bertone, G., Bon, E., Blas, D., Brito, R., Bulik, T., Burrage, C., Byrnes, C. T., Caprini, C., Chernyakova, M., Chruściel, P., Colpi, M., Ferrari, V., Gaggero, D., Gair, J., García-Bellido, J., Hassan, S. F., Heisenberg, L., Hendry, M., Heng, I. S., Herdeiro, C., Hinderer, T., Horesh, A., Kavanagh, B. J., Kocsis, B., Kramer, M., Le Tiec, A., Mingarelli, C., Nardini, G., Nelemans, G., Palenzuela, C., Pani, P., Perego, A., Porter, E. K., Rossi, E. M., Schmidt, P., Sesana, A., Sperhake, U., Stamerra, A., Stein, L. C., Tamanini, N., Tauris, T. M., Urena-López, L. A., Vincent, F., Volonteri, M., Wardell, B., Wex, N., Yagi, K., Abdelsalhin, T., Aloy, M. Á., Amaro-Seoane, P. et al 2019, “Black holes, gravitational waves and fundamental physics: a roadmap”, Classical and Quantum Gravity, 36, 143001, URL
  23. Amaro-Seoane, P. 2019, “Extremely large mass-ratio inspirals”, Physical Review D, 99, 123025, URL
  24. Kremer, K., Rodriguez, C. L., Amaro-Seoane, P., Breivik, K., Chatterjee, S., Katz, M. L., Larson, S. L., Rasio, F. A., Samsing, J., Ye, C. S., & Zevin, M. 2019, “Post-Newtonian dynamics in dense star clusters: Binary black holes in the LISA band”, Physical Review D, 99, 063003, URL
  25. Rastello, S., Amaro-Seoane, P., Arca-Sedda, M., Capuzzo-Dolcetta, R., Fragione, G., & Tosta e Melo, I. 2019, “Stellar black hole binary mergers in open clusters”, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 483, 1233, URL
  26. Rodriguez, C. L., Amaro-Seoane, P., Chatterjee, S., Kremer, K., Rasio, F. A., Samsing, J., Ye, C. S., & Zevin, M. 2018, “Post-Newtonian dynamics in dense star clusters: Formation, masses, and merger rates of highly-eccentric black hole binaries”, Physical Review D, 98, 123005, URL
  27. Amaro-Seoane, P. 2018, “Detecting intermediate-mass ratio inspirals from the ground and space”, Physical Review D, 98, 063018, URL
  28. Goicovic, F. G., Maureira-Fredes, C., Sesana, A., Amaro-Seoane, P., & Cuadra, J. 2018, “Accretion of clumpy cold gas onto massive black hole binaries: a possible fast route to binary coalescence”, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 479, 3438, URL
  29. Maureira-Fredes, C., Goicovic, F. G., Amaro-Seoane, P., & Sesana, A. 2018, “Accretion of clumpy cold gas on to massive black hole binaries: the challenging formation of extended circumbinary structures”, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 478, 1726, URL
  30. Amaro-Seoane, P. 2018, “Relativistic dynamics and extreme mass ratio inspirals”, Living Reviews in Relativity, 21, 4, URL
  31. Rodriguez, C. L., Amaro-Seoane, P., Chatterjee, S., & Rasio, F. A. 2018, “Post-Newtonian Dynamics in Dense Star Clusters: Highly Eccentric, Highly Spinning, and Repeated Binary Black Hole Mergers”, Physical Review Letters, 120, 151101, URL
  32. Maureira-Fredes, C., & Amaro-Seoane, P. 2018, “GRAVIDY, a GPU modular, parallel direct-summation N-body integrator: dynamics with softening”, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 473, 3113, URL
  33. Baumgardt, H., Amaro-Seoane, P., & Schödel, R. 2018, “The distribution of stars around the Milky Way’s central black hole. III. Comparison with simulations”, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 609, A28, URL
  34. Schödel, R., Gallego-Cano, E., Dong, H., Nogueras-Lara, F., Gallego-Calvente, A. T., Amaro-Seoane, P., & Baumgardt, H. 2018, “The distribution of stars around the Milky Way’s central black hole. II. Diffuse light from sub-giants and dwarfs”, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 609, A27, URL
  35. Gallego-Cano, E., Schödel, R., Dong, H., Nogueras-Lara, F., Gallego-Calvente, A. T., Amaro-Seoane, P., & Baumgardt, H. 2018, “The distribution of stars around the Milky Way’s central black hole. I. Deep star counts”, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 609, A26, URL
  36. Chen, X., & Amaro-Seoane, P. 2017, “Revealing the Formation of Stellar-mass Black Hole Binaries: The Need for Deci-Hertz Gravitational-wave Observatories”, The Astrophysical Journal, 842, L2, URL
  37. Babak, S., Gair, J., Sesana, A., Barausse, E., Sopuerta, C. F., Berry, C. P. L., Berti, E., Amaro-Seoane, P., Petiteau, A., & Klein, A. 2017, “Science with the space-based interferometer LISA. V. Extreme mass-ratio inspirals”, Physical Review D, 95, 103012, URL
  38. Amaro-Seoane, P., Casanellas, J., Schödel, R., Davidson, E., & Cuadra, J. 2016, “Probing dark matter crests with white dwarfs and IMBHs”, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 459, 695, URL
  39. Amaro-Seoane, P., Maureira-Fredes, C., Dotti, M., & Colpi, M. 2016, “Retrograde binaries of massive black holes in circumbinary accretion discs”, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 591, A114, URL
  40. Amaro-Seoane, P., & Chen, X. 2016, “Relativistic mergers of black hole binaries have large, similar masses, low spins and are circular”, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 458, 3075, URL
  41. Chen, X., Amaro-Seoane, P., & Cuadra, J. 2016, “Stability of Gas Clouds in Galactic Nuclei: An Extended Virial Theorem”, The Astrophysical Journal, 819, 138, URL
  42. Goicovic, F. G., Cuadra, J., Sesana, A., Stasyszyn, F., Amaro-Seoane, P., & Tanaka, T. L. 2016, “Infalling clouds on to supermassive black hole binaries – I. Formation of discs, accretion and gas dynamics”, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 455, 1989, URL
  43. Schödel, R., Feldmeier, A., Kunneriath, D., Stolovy, S., Neumayer, N., Amaro-Seoane, P., & Nishiyama, S. 2015, “Surface brightness profile of the Milky Way’s nuclear star cluster (Corrigendum)”, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 583, C1, URL
  44. del Valle, L., Escala, A., Maureira-Fredes, C., Molina, J., Cuadra, J., & Amaro-Seoane, P. 2015, “Supermassive Black Holes in a Star-forming Gaseous Circumnuclear Disk”, The Astrophysical Journal, 811, 59, URL
  45. Schödel, R., Feldmeier, A., Kunneriath, D., Stolovy, S., Neumayer, N., Amaro-Seoane, P., & Nishiyama, S. 2015, “Surface brightness profile of the Milky Way’s nuclear star cluster (Corrigendum)”, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 577, C1, URL
  46. Chen, X., & Amaro-Seoane, P. 2015, “Sculpting the stellar cusp in the galactic center”, Classical and Quantum Gravity, 32, 064001, URL
  47. Amaro-Seoane, P., Glaschke, P., & Spurzem, R. 2014, “Hybrid methods in planetesimal dynamics: formation of protoplanetary systems and the mill condition”, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 445, 3755, URL
  48. Glaschke, P., Amaro-Seoane, P., & Spurzem, R. 2014, “Hybrid methods in planetesimal dynamics: description of a new composite algorithm”, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 445, 3620, URL
  49. Brem, P., Cuadra, J., Amaro-Seoane, P., & Komossa, S. 2014, “Tidal Disruptions in Circumbinary Disks. II. Observational Signatures in the Reverberation Spectra”, The Astrophysical Journal, 792, 100, URL
  50. Bogdanović, T., Cheng, R. M., & Amaro-Seoane, P. 2014, “Disruption of a Red Giant Star by a Supermassive Black Hole and the Case of PS1-10jh”, The Astrophysical Journal, 788, 99, URL
  51. Schödel, R., Feldmeier, A., Kunneriath, D., Stolovy, S., Neumayer, N., Amaro-Seoane, P., & Nishiyama, S. 2014, “Surface brightness profile of the Milky Way’s nuclear star cluster”, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 566, A47, URL
  52. Chen, X., & Amaro-Seoane, P. 2014, “A Rapidly Evolving Region in the Galactic Center: Why S-stars Thermalize and More Massive Stars are Missing”, The Astrophysical Journal, 786, L14, URL
  53. Antognini, J. M., Shappee, B. J., Thompson, T. A., & Amaro-Seoane, P. 2014, “Rapid eccentricity oscillations and the mergers of compact objects in hierarchical triples”, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 439, 1079, URL
  54. Amaro-Seoane, P., Konstantinidis, S., Dewi Freitag, M., Miller, M. C., & Rasio, F. A. 2014, “Sowing the Seeds of Massive Black Holes in Small Galaxies: Young Clusters as the Building Blocks of Ultracompact Dwarf Galaxies”, The Astrophysical Journal, 782, 97, URL
  55. Brem, P., Amaro-Seoane, P., & Sopuerta, C. F. 2014, “Blocking low-eccentricity EMRIs: a statistical direct-summation N-body study of the Schwarzschild barrier”, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 437, 1259, URL
  56. Amaro-Seoane, P., & Chen, X. 2014, “The Fragmenting Past of the Disk at the Galactic Center: The Culprit for the Missing Red Giants”, The Astrophysical Journal, 781, L18, URL
  57. Amaro-Seoane, P., Konstantinidis, S., Brem, P., & Catelan, M. 2013, “Mergers of multimetallic globular clusters: the role of dynamics”, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 435, 809, URL
  58. Brem, P., Amaro-Seoane, P., & Spurzem, R. 2013, “Relativistic mergers of compact binaries in clusters: the fingerprint of the spin”, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 434, 2999, URL
  59. Konstantinidis, S., Amaro-Seoane, P., & Kokkotas, K. D. 2013, “Investigating the retention of intermediate-mass black holes in star clusters using N-body simulations”, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 557, A135, URL
  60. Lang, M., Holley-Bockelmann, K., Bogdanović, T., Amaro-Seoane, P., Sesana, A., & Sinha, M. 2013, “Can a satellite galaxy merger explain the active past of the Galactic Centre?”, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 430, 2574, URL
  61. Sathyaprakash, B., Abernathy, M., Acernese, F., Ajith, P., Allen, B., Amaro-Seoane, al 2013, “Corrigendum: Scientific objectives of Einstein telescope”, Classical and Quantum Gravity, 30, 079501, URL
  62. Amaro-Seoane, P., Sopuerta, C. F., & Freitag, M. D. 2013, “The role of the supermassive black hole spin in the estimation of the EMRI event rate”, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 429, 3155, URL
  63. Amaro-Seoane, P., Brem, P., & Cuadra, J. 2013, “Tidal Disruptions in Circumbinary Disks. I. Star Formation, Dynamics, and Binary Evolution”, The Astrophysical Journal, 764, 14, URL
  64. Amaro-Seoane, P., Miller, M. C., & Kennedy, G. F. 2012, “Tidal disruptions of separated binaries in galactic nuclei”, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 425, 2401, URL
  65. Roedig, C., Sesana, A., Dotti, M., Cuadra, J., Amaro-Seoane, P., & Haardt, F. 2012, “Evolution of binary black holes in self gravitating discs. Dissecting the torques”, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 545, A127, URL
  66. Amaro-Seoane, P. et al 2012, “Low-frequency gravitational-wave science with eLISA/NGO”, Classical and Quantum Gravity, 29, 124016, URL
  67. Sathyaprakash, B., Abernathy, M., Acernese, F., Ajith, P., Allen, B., Amaro-Seoane, al 2012, “Scientific objectives of Einstein Telescope”, Classical and Quantum Gravity, 29, 124013, URL
  68. Amaro-Seoane, P., Brem, P., Cuadra, J., & Armitage, P. J. 2012, “The Butterfly Effect in the Extreme-mass Ratio Inspiral Problem”, The Astrophysical Journal, 744, L20, URL
  69. Amaro-Seoane, P., & Preto, M. 2011, “The impact of realistic models of mass segregation on the event rate of extreme-mass ratio inspirals and cusp re-growth”, Classical and Quantum Gravity, 28, 094017, URL
  70. Hild, S., Abernathy, M., Acernese, F., Amaro-Seoane, al 2011, “Sensitivity studies for third-generation gravitational wave observatories”, Classical and Quantum Gravity, 28, 094013, URL
  71. Amaro-Seoane, P., & Freitag, M. D. 2011, “Relativistic encounters in dense stellar systems”, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 412, 551, URL
  72. Schneider, J., Amaro-Seoane, P., & Spurzem, R. 2011, “Higher-order moment models of dense stellar systems: applications to the modelling of the stellar velocity distribution function”, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 410, 432, URL
  73. Amaro-Seoane, P., Barranco, J., Bernal, A., & Rezzolla, L. 2010, “Constraining scalar fields with stellar kinematics and collisional dark matter”, Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, 2010, 002, URL
  74. Amaro-Seoane, P., & Santamaría, L. 2010, “Detection of IMBHs with Ground-based Gravitational Wave Observatories: A Biography of a Binary of Black Holes, from Birth to Death”, The Astrophysical Journal, 722, 1197, URL
  75. Amaro-Seoane, P., Sesana, A., Hoffman, L., Benacquista, M., Eichhorn, C., Makino, J., & Spurzem, R. 2010, “Triplets of supermassive black holes: astrophysics, gravitational waves and detection”, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 402, 2308, URL
  76. Amaro-Seoane, P., Eichhorn, C., Porter, E. K., & Spurzem, R. 2010, “Binaries of massive black holes in rotating clusters: dynamics, gravitational waves, detection and the role of eccentricity”, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 401, 2268, URL
  77. Preto, M., & Amaro-Seoane, P. 2010, “On Strong Mass Segregation Around a Massive Black Hole: Implications for Lower-Frequency Gravitational-Wave Astrophysics”, The Astrophysical Journal, 708, L42, URL
  78. Amaro-Seoane, P., Miller, M. C., & Freitag, M. 2009, “Gravitational Waves from Eccentric Intermediate-Mass Black Hole Binaries”, The Astrophysical Journal, 692, L50, URL
  79. Amaro-Seoane, P., Gair, J. R., Freitag, M., Miller, M. C., Mandel, I., Cutler, C. J., & Babak, S. 2007, “TOPICAL REVIEW: Intermediate and extreme mass-ratio inspirals – astrophysics, science applications and detection using LISA”, Classical and Quantum Gravity, 24, R113, URL
  80. Khalisi, E., Amaro-Seoane, P., & Spurzem, R. 2007, “A comprehensive NBODY study of mass segregation in star clusters: energy equipartition and escape”, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 374, 703, URL
  81. Amaro-Seoane, P., & Freitag, M. 2006, “Intermediate-Mass Black Holes in Colliding Clusters: Implications for Lower Frequency Gravitational-Wave Astronomy”, The Astrophysical Journal, 653, L53, URL
  82. Kupi, G., Amaro-Seoane, P., & Spurzem, R. 2006, “Dynamics of compact object clusters: a post-Newtonian study”, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 371, L45, URL
  83. Freitag, M., Amaro-Seoane, P., & Kalogera, V. 2006, “Stellar Remnants in Galactic Nuclei: Mass Segregation”, The Astrophysical Journal, 649, 91, URL
  84. Amaro-Seoane, P., Freitag, M., & Spurzem, R. 2004, “Accretion of stars on to a massive black hole: a realistic diffusion model and numerical studies”, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 352, 655, URL
  85. Amaro-Seoane, P., & Spurzem, R. 2001, “The loss-cone problem in dense nuclei”, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 327, 995, URL

Capítulos de libros

  1. Amaro Seoane, P. 2022, “The Gravitational Capture of Compact Objects by Massive Black Holes”, Handbook of Gravitational Wave Astronomy. Edited by C. Bambi, 17, URL
  2. Stone, N. C., Vasiliev, E., Kesden, M., Rossi, E. M., Perets, H. B., & Amaro-Seoane, P. 2020, “Rates of Stellar Tidal Disruption”, Space Science Reviews, 216, 35, URL
  3. Spurzem, R., Berentzen, I., Berczik, P., Merritt, D., Amaro-Seoane, P., Harfst, S., & Gualandris, A. 2008, “Parallelization, Special Hardware and Post-Newtonian Dynamics in Direct N – Body Simulations”, The Cambridge N-Body Lectures, 760, 377, URL

Definición del caso científico misiones espaciales financiadas

Laser Interferometer Space Antenna

  • Amaro-Seoane, P. et al 2017, “Laser Interferometer Space Antenna”, arXiv e-prints, arXiv:1702.00786, URL
  • Amaro Seoane, P. et al 2013, “The Gravitational Universe”, arXiv e-prints, arXiv:1305.5720, URL

PLAnetary Transits and Oscillations of stars (PLATO)

  • Rauer, H., Catala, C., Aerts, C., Appourchaux, T., Benz, W., Brandeker, A., Christensen-Dalsgaard, J., Deleuil, M., Gizon, L., Goupil, M.-J., Güdel, M., Janot-Pacheco, E., Mas-Hesse, M., Pagano, I., Piotto, G., Pollacco, D., Santos, .C., Smith, A., Suárez, J.-C., Szabó, R., Udry, S., Adibekyan, V., Alibert, Y., Almenara, J.-M., Amaro-Seoane, al 2014, “The PLATO 2.0 mission”, Experimental Astronomy, 38, 249, URL

Publicaciones revisadas en Q2 y Q3

  1. Arca Sedda, M., Berry, C. P. L., Jani, K., Amaro-Seoane, P., Auclair, P., Baird, J., Baker, T., Berti, E., Breivik, K., Caprini, C., Chen, X., Doneva, D., Ezquiaga, J. M., Ford, K. E. S., Katz, M. L., Kolkowitz, S., McKernan, B., Mueller, G., Nardini, G., Pikovski, I., Rajendran, S., Sesana, A., Shao, L., Tamanini, N., Warburton, N., Witek, H., Wong, K., & Zevin, M. 2021, “The missing link in gravitational-wave astronomy”, Experimental Astronomy, 51, 1427, URL
  2. Zhang, Y.-P., Wei, S.-W., Amaro-Seoane, P., Yang, J., & Liu, Y.-X. 2019, “Motion deviation of test body induced by spin and cosmological constant in extreme mass ratio inspiral binary system”, European Physical Journal C, 79, 856, URL
  3. Huang, S., Gong, X., Xu, P., Amaro-Seoane, P., Bian, X., Chen, Y., Chen, X., Fang, Z., Feng, X., Liu, F., Li, S., Li, X., Luo, Z., Shao, M., Spurzem, R., Tang, W., Wang, Y., Wang, Y., Zang, Y., & Lau, Y. 2017, “Gravitational wave detection in space–a new window in astronomy”, Scientia Sinica Physica, Mechanica & Astronomica, 47, 010404, URL
  4. Davies, M. B., Amaro-Seoane, P., Bassa, C., Dale, J., De Angeli, F., Freitag, M., Kroupa, P., Mackey, D., Miller, M. C., & Portegies Zwart, S. 2006, “The MODEST questions: Challenges and future directions in stellar cluster research”, New Astronomy, 12, 201, URL

Actas de congresos revisadas (“refereed proceedings”)

  1. Gair, J. R., Babak, S., Sesana, A., Amaro-Seoane, P., Barausse, E., Berry, C. P. L., Berti, E., & Sopuerta, C. 2017, “Prospects for observing extreme-mass-ratio inspirals with LISA”, Journal of Physics Conference Series, 840, 012021, URL
  2. Schödel, R., Gallego-Cano, E., & Amaro-Seoane, P. 2017, “The stellar cusp around the Milky Way central black hole”, Journal of Physics Conference Series, 840, 012020, URL
  3. Gong, X., Lau, Y.-K., Xu, S., Amaro-Seoane, P., Bai, S., Bian, X., Cao, Z., Chen, G., Chen, X., Ding, Y., Dong, P., Gao, W., Heinzel, G., Li, M., Li, S., Liu, F., Luo, Z., Shao, M., Spurzem, R., Sun, B., Tang, W., Wang, Y., Xu, P., Yu, P., Yuan, Y., Zhang, X., & Zhou, Z. 2015, “Descope of the ALIA mission”, Journal of Physics Conference Series, 610, 012011, URL
  4. Amaro-Seoane, P., Gair, J. R., Pound, A., Hughes, S. A., & Sopuerta, C. F. 2015, “Research Update on Extreme-Mass-Ratio Inspirals”, Journal of Physics Conference Series, 610, 012002, URL
  5. Sathyaprakash, B., Abernathy, M., Acernese, F., Amaro-Seoane, P. et al 2011, “Scientific Potential of Einstein Telescope”, arXiv e-prints, arXiv:1108.1423, URL
  6. Freitag, M., Amaro-Seoane, P., & Kalogera, V. 2006, “Models of mass segregation at the Galactic Centre”, Journal of Physics Conference Series, 54, 252, URL
  7. Amaro-Seoane, P. 2006, “Gravitational waves from coalescing massive black holes in young dense clusters”, Laser Interferometer Space Antenna: 6th International LISA Symposium, 873, 250, URL
  8. Kupi, G., Amaro-Seoane, P., & Spurzem, R. 2005, “From Newton to Einstein – Dynamics of N-body systems.”, Astronomische Nachrichten, 326, 604, URL
  9. Amaro-Seoane, P. 2005, “Dynamics of dense star-gas systems: BHs and their precursors”, arXiv e-prints, astro-ph/0502414, URL
  10. Freitag, M., Amaro-Seoane, P., Atakan Gürkan, M., Rasio, F. A., & Spurzem, R. 2004, “Extreme Stellar Dynamics: Collisions and Captures in Dense Stellar Clusters”, Astronomische Nachrichten Supplement, 325, 30, URL
  11. Amaro-Seoane, P., Spurzem, R., & Just, A. 2002, “Super-Massive Stars: Dense Star-Gas Systems”, Lighthouses of the Universe: The Most Luminous Celestial Objects and Their Use for Cosmology, 376, URL

Actas de congresos no revisadas (“non-refereed proceedings”)

  1. Rodriguez, C., Amaro-Seoane, P., Chatterjee, S., & Rasio, F. 2018, “Post-Newtonian Dynamics in Dense Star Clusters”, APS April Meeting Abstracts, 2018, X14.001, URL
  2. Maureira-Fredes, C., & Amaro-Seoane, P. 2016, “GraviDy: a modular, GPU-based, direct-summation N-body code”, Star Clusters and Black Holes in Galaxies across Cosmic Time, 312, 252, URL
  3. Hao, W., Spurzem, R., Naab, T., Wang, L., Kouwenhoven, M. B. N., Amaro-Seoane, P., & Mardling, R. A. 2016, “Resonant motions of supermassive black hole triples”, Star Clusters and Black Holes in Galaxies across Cosmic Time, 312, 101, URL
  4. Amaro Seoane, P. 2013, “Stellar dynamics around massive black holes: Connecting (missing?) cusps and general relativity”, A Universe of Black Holes, 14, URL
  5. Amaro-Seoane, P., Sopuerta, C. F., & Brem, P. 2012, “Fake plunges are very eccentric real EMRIs in disguise: They dominate the rates and are blissfully ignorant of angular momentum barriers”, European Physical Journal Web of Conferences, 39, 07001, URL
  6. Cuadra, J., Amaro-Seoane, P., & Brem, P. 2012, “Massive gaseous discs around SMBH binaries: Binary decay and tidal disruptions”, European Physical Journal Web of Conferences, 39, 05003, URL
  7. Amaro-Seoane, P., Ribas, I., Löckmann, U., & Baumgardt, H. 2010, “Interactions between a Massive Planet and a Disc”, Pathways Towards Habitable Planets, 430, 399, URL
  8. Spurzem, R., Berczik, P., Berentzen, I., Merritt, D., Preto, M., & Amaro-Seoane, P. 2008, “Formation and Evolution of Black Holes in Galactic Nuclei and Star Clusters”, Dynamical Evolution of Dense Stellar Systems, 246, 346, URL
  9. Amaro-Seoane, P. 2007, “Review of Sources of Gravitational Waves for LISA in Galactic Nuclei”, JENAM-2007, “Our Non-Stable Universe”, 57, URL
  10. Amaro-Seoane, P., & Spurzem, R. 2004, “Dense Gas-Star Systems: Evolution of Supermassive Stars”, Coevolution of Black Holes and Galaxies, 2, URL
  11. Spurzem, R., Berczik, P., Hensler, G., Theis, C., Amaro-Seoane, P., Freitag, M., & Just, A. 2004, “Physical Processes in Star-Gas Systems”, Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia, 21, 188, URL
  12. Amaro-Seoane, P., Spurzem, R., & Just, A. 2003, “Super-massive stars: Radiative transfer”, EAS Publications Series, 10, 189, URL
  13. Just, A., & Amaro-Seoane, P. 2003, “Stability and Evolution of Supermassive Stars (SMS)”, EAS Publications Series, 10, 127, URL
  14. Amaro-Seoane, P., & Spurzem, R. 2002, “Dense gas-star systems: Super-massive stars evolution”, arXiv e-prints, astro-ph/0212292, URL
  15. Amaro-Seoane, P., & Spurzem, R. 2001, “Gas in the central region of AGNs: ISM and supermassive gaseous objects”, arXiv e-prints, astro-ph/0107198, URL
  16. Amaro-Seoane, P., & Spurzem, R. 2001, “The Loss-Cone Star Contribution to the Heating Rate of a Supermassive Star”, Stellar Dynamics: from Classic to Modern, 444, URL
  17. Amaro-Seoane, P., & Spurzem, R. 2001, “Gas in the Central Regions of AGN: The Interstellar Medium and Supermassive Gaseous Objects”, The Central Kiloparsec of Starbursts and AGN: The La Palma Connection, 249, 731, URL
  18. Just, A., & Amaro-Seoane, P. 2001, “Gas-star-interaction in Dense Galactic Nuclei”, Astronomische Gesellschaft Meeting Abstracts, 18, P155, URL
  19. Amaro-Seoane, P., & Spurzem, R. 2000, “The Loss-Cone Problem in Dense Nuclei Revisited”, Astronomische Gesellschaft Meeting Abstracts, 17, URL

Publicaciones como editor de mi propia revista “Gravitational Waves Notes” y como invitado en CQG

  1. Pau Amaro-Seoane & Clifford M Will, Classical and Quantum Gravity, 2015, “Focus issue: Astrophysics and general relativity of dense stellar systems” con ocho artículos revisados, URL
  2. Amaro-Seoane, P., Aoudia, S., Babak, S., Binétruy, P., Berti, E., Bohé, A., Caprini, C., Colpi, M., Cornish, N. J., Danzmann, K., Dufaux, J.-F., Gair, J., Hinder, I., Jennrich, O., Jetzer, P., Klein, A., Lang, R. N., Lobo, A., Littenberg, T., McWilliams, S. T., Nelemans, G., Petiteau, A., Porter, E. K., Schutz, B. F., Sesana, A., Stebbins, R., Sumner, T., Vallisneri, M., Vitale, S., Volonteri, M., Ward, H., & Wardell, B. 2013, “Gravitational Waves Notes, Issue #6: eLISA: Astrophysics and cosmology in the millihertz regime”, GW Notes, 6, 4, URL
  3. Amaro-Seoane, P., Schutz, B., & Thornburg, J. 2011, “Gravitational Waves Notes, Issue #5 : “The Capra research programme for capture of small compact objects by massive black holes””, arXiv e-prints, arXiv:1102.3647, URL
  4. Amaro-Seoane, P., Schutz, B., & Sopuerta, C. F. 2010, “Gravitational Waves Notes, Issue #4 : “A Roadmap to Fundamental Physics from LISA EMRI Observations””, arXiv e-prints, arXiv:1009.1402, URL
  5. Amaro-Seoane, P., Schutz, B., & Preto, M. 2010, “Gravitational Waves Notes, Issue #3 : “Stellar cusps in galactic nuclei – How stars distribute around a massive black hole””, arXiv e-prints, arXiv:1005.4048, URL
  6. Amaro-Seoane, P., Schutz, B., & Yunes, N. 2010, “Gravitational Waves Notes, Issue #2 : “A probe of spacetime and astrophysics: EMRIs””, arXiv e-prints, arXiv:1003.5553, URL
  7. Amaro-Seoane, P., Schutz, B., & Porter, E. 2010, “Gravitational Waves Notes, Issue #1 : “An overview of LISA data analysis algorithms”, URL
  8. Amaro-Seoane, P., Schutz, B., & Miller, M. C. 2009, “Gravitational Waves Notes, Issue #0 : “Binary sources of gravitational radiation”, URL

Publicaciones sobre software y catálogos

  1. Rodriguez, C., Coughlin, S., Weatherford, N., Amaro-Seoane, P., Breivik, K., Chatterjee, S., Fragione, G., Kiroglu, F., Kremer, K., Rasio, F., Rui, N., Shi Ye, C., & Zevin, M. 2021, “ClusterMonteCarlo/CMC-COSMIC: Pre-release version for Zenodo”, Zenodo, URL
  2. Maureira-Fredes, C., & Amaro-Seoane, P. 2019, “GraviDy: Gravitational Dynamics”, Astrophysics Source Code Library, ascl:1902.004, URL
  3. Gallego-Cano, E., Schoedel, R., Nogueras-Lara, F., Gallego-Calvente, A. T., Amaro-Seoane, P., & Baumgardt, H. 2017, “VizieR Online Data Catalog: Galactic Center old stars distribution (Gallego-Cano+, 2018)”, VizieR Online Data Catalog, J/A+A/609/A26, URL