By Pau Amaro Seoane, 2018
from the capture of compact objects by supermassive black holes.
Organised by Pau Amaro-Seoane, Xian Chen, Jie Yang and Yu-Xiao Liu in Lanzhou, at Lanzhou University from 12-16 July 2021.
The future of gravitational-wave astrophysics is promising. On the one hand, the ESA/NASA Laser Interferometer Space Antenna (LISA) is the future ESA-NASA Gravitational Wave Observatory. It will look for GW signals in the low-frequency band (0.1 mHz – 1 Hz), mainly from the following sources: galactic binaries, the coalescence and merger of massive black holes in galaxies at cosmological distances, the capture and inspiral of stellar compact objects into massive black holes at galactic centers and even from cosmological stochastic backgrounds. On the other hand, China is also investigating in detail the possibility of a space-borne observatory mission, which will complement LISA.
Located on the upper reaches of the Yellow River and at the geometric center of China’s continental territory, Lanzhou is the capital city of Gansu Province in northwest China and also the political, economic and cultural center of the province. It was once a key point on the ancient Silk Road and today, a hub of the Silk Road Tourism Ring. It is also known as the “Pearl of the Yellow River”, the “Summer Palace of the West” and the “Capital of Waterwheels”These days, Lanzhou is perhaps most well-known for its favorite food – Lanzhou beef noodles.
Pau Amaro Seoane, Verónica Vázquez Aceves, Jie Yang, Xian Chen, Kejia Li, Lijing Shao, Zhoujian Cao, Yiming Hu, Jiandong Zhang, Xilong Fan, Shuo Li, Wenbiao Han, Yuxiao Liu, Monica Colpi, Carlos F. Sopuerta, Neil Cornish, Wen Zhao, Yifu Cai, Yan Wang, Bin Hu, Shi Pi, Tao Zhu, Jiayi Zhang, Yeling Zhou, Sen Yang, Chao Chen, Jiageng Jiao, Xin Ren, Tianyu Liu, Hongwei Yu, Jiliang Jing, Xuefeng Feng, Qing Gao, Yufeng Li, Qiyuan Pan, Yungui Gong, Changfu Shi, Enkun Li, Ruihong Yue, Lingfeng Wang, Shangjie Jin, Puxun Wu
Because of the pandemic, all non-Chinese participants will connect via the internet. More details will be posted here in the future.
Main meeting room: 兰州大学本部校区理工楼1226
For group discussion: 兰州大学本部校区理工楼1201、1215、1227
Hotels: 飞天大酒店,萃英大酒店
Sunday (11 July)
14:00-21:00: Registration desk opens at 飞天大酒店
Monday (12 July)
8:20-8:45: Registration at 兰州大学本部校区理工楼1226
8:45-9:00: Introduction and warmup
09:00-10:00: 胡一鸣 (Yiming Hu):致密天体的引力波 (Gravitational waves from compact objects)
10:30-11:30: 荆继良 (Jiliang Jing):有效单体理论 (Effective-one-body theory)
16:00-17:00: Monica Colpi: Supermassive Black Hole Binaries (click here to join the meeting)
Tuesday (13 July)
09:00-10:00: 李柯伽 (Kejia Li):脉冲星计时阵基本问题 (Fundamental problems in Pulsar Timing Array)
10:30-11:30: 蔡一夫 (Yifu Cai):宇宙早期引力波 (Gravitational waves from early universe)
16:00-17:00: Carlos Sopuerta: EMRI modeling and science (click here to join the meeting)
Wednesday (14 July)
09:00-10:00: Neil Cornish: Hunting EMRIs (click here to join the meeting)
10:30-11:30: 岳瑞宏 (Ruihong Yue):引力波回声 (Gravitational wave echo)
Afternoon: Free discussion
Thursday (15 July)
Free discussion
Friday (16 July)
09:00-10:00: 范锡龙 (Xilong Fan):引力波的引力透镜效应 (Gravitational lensing of gravitational waves)
10:30-11:30: 曹周键 (Zhoujian Cao):数值相对论基本方法 (Basics of numerical relativity)
14:00-16:00: Summary and Conclusion
How to get to the hotel:
Faculty members: 飞天大酒店(城关区天水南路529号):单间:428元,标准间:448元,豪华单间或标间:478
Postdocs and students: 萃英大酒店(城关区天水南路226号):单间:280元,标准间:280元,亲子间:660元
If you would like to switch hotel, please contact:
何洁 13399467016 lzu_hej@lzu.edu.cn(会议秘书)
Excursion options (For more information, inquire at the registration desk):
2.张掖丹霞地貌,祁连山扁都口.2日游 需带外套,注意防晒
3.官鹅沟.鹅嫚沟.哈达铺2日游 需带外套,注意防晒
4.青海湖.茶卡盐湖2日游 需带外套,注意防晒
5.门源油菜花 1日游 注意防晒
6.沙坡头.通湖草原.66号公路2日游 注意防晒
7.景泰黄河石林2日游 注意防晒
8.甘南2日游 需要准备棉衣或者轻薄羽绒服,注意防晒